Dribble One

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Life is strange. Not everybody realizes it at first, but it’s a fact that reveals itself eventually to all who look, and people are rather inclined to go searching for things they don’t know they’re searching for. Because sometimes, when you want something, you look for it in all the wrong places, and you instead, find exactly what you need. And what you need, will always find you in strange ways.

People are strange as well. All people are aquainted with this fact. But people can know something as fact, and not be aware of it as experience. Sometimes,those who you think are your friends, really are not, and walk away, forgetting. They forget about you, and you forget about them, because strangely, the people who are your friends, have found you after you’ve become friends with solitude.

By Alice Crown, 17, Fort Hamilton High School, United States

Dribble One

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