Simpleton and idiot

posted in: Poetry | 0

Can you even see, what was there and now is gone?
Have you even realized yet, you murdered all that you had made,
All you were, the old you is gone,
Ready or not, now it’s time for you to fade.

Love and live, not the other way around,
Everything about her as perfect as the single tone sound,
Everything so sweet like honey,
You stole and broke her, now you think it’s funny.

“I didn’t want her, she was boring me”,
Are you such a bro now that you are blind and cannot see?
You are an idiot, you are undeserving of the love that was bestowed,
And now you think you can just up and enter the closest warmest humble abode,
A friendly house, a closer heath,
Show me the anger, bare your teeth,
When you sit at home alone in your solitude,
You cry and live in utter acceptance,
That you were the one, who scared her away,
You were the one on the rudest of days.

I want to be there, when it hits you in the face,
You had a queen of hearts and split without an ace,
But gambling seems to be your thing,
And because of you now, she won’t be, she won’t sing,
At least for a while for you arrows dug deep,
Your arrows struck steep,
And you didn’t even notice,
You didn’t even care.

by Paul Gracey, 17, Westerford High School, Cape Town, South Africa

Simpleton and idiot

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